Scope of Work: Design and Hosting of a Landing Page for a Digital Coach

Objective: To create and host a professional, visually appealing, and user-friendly landing page for a digital coach.


  1. Design of a custom landing page

  2. Hosting of the landing page on a web server

  3. Deployment of the landing page to a production environment

Timeline: The estimated timeline for the completion of this project is 2 weeks.

Sections of the Landing Page:

  1. Home:

    • Content Details:

      • A hero section featuring the digital coach’s image and a brief introduction

      • A section showcasing the coach’s services and specialities

      • A section displaying testimonials from satisfied clients

      • A section highlighting the coach’s experience and qualifications

      • A call-to-action (CTA) button that invites visitors to book a consultation

    • Guidelines:

      • The design should be clean, professional, and visually appealing

      • The text should be concise, easy to read, and engaging

      • The CTA button should be prominently displayed and easy to click

      • All images should be optimized for web and mobile devices

  2. About:

    • Content Details:

      • An in-depth biography of the digital coach

      • A detailed explanation of the coach’s services and specialities

      • A section showcasing the coach’s achievements and awards

      • A section displaying the coach’s media appearances and publications

    • Guidelines:

      • The text should be engaging and easy to read

      • The design should be clean and professional

      • All images should be optimized for web and mobile devices

  3. Services:

    • Content Details:

      • A list of the coach’s services and offerings

      • A detailed explanation of each service

      • A section displaying the coach’s rates and packages

    • Guidelines:

      • The design should be clean and professional

      • The text should be concise and easy to read

      • All images should be optimized for web and mobile devices

  4. Contact:

    • Content Details:

      • A contact form for visitors to book a consultation

      • A map displaying the coach’s location

      • Contact information, including the coach’s email, phone number, and social media handles

    • Guidelines:

      • The design should be clean and professional

      • The contact form should be easy to use and submit

      • The map should be interactive and easy to use

Note: The above sections and their content details and guidelines are subject to change based on the requirements of the client.